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IR Policy

  1. Objective
    1. BHG Retail Trust Management Pte. Ltd. (the "REIT Manager") as Manager of BHG Retail REIT (the "REIT") is committed to achieve effective communication with the public and investment community at all times, and to allow both individual and institutional unitholders access to timely, accurate, and balanced information about the REIT.

  2. Purpose and General Principles
    1. The REIT Manager is committed to disclose and distribute all information to public in accordance with the listing rules stipulated by the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited ("SGX-ST"), the Singapore Code of Corporate Governance 2012 issued by Monetary Authority of Singapore ("MAS"), and current best practices.
    2. All announcements on SGX-ST through SGXNET shall be made available on the REIT's corporate website.
    3. The REIT Manager does not comment on rumors or market speculation. If rumors or market speculations are likely to have a have strong impact on the REIT's unit price, appropriate announcements and clarifications will be made on SGX-ST, to avoid or mitigate unnecessary speculation in the REIT's units.
    4. Consistent with market practices, the REIT Manager may provide information to analysts or institutional investors in addition to those announced to through SGX-ST, as the information is not material and is not withheld from other parties who request for the same information. This additional information provided to analysts or institutional investors is to facilitate a more comprehensive and technical discussion about the REIT.
    5. In order to avoid inadvertent disclosure of material information, the REIT Manager shall communicate only via its designated spokespersons. All personnel in possession of material information shall observe and maintain the highest level of confidentiality at all times.
    6. This policy is subject to regular review to ensure its effectiveness. Updates and amendments to the policy will be done accordingly to reflect best investor relations practices.

  3. Communication Channels
    1. The REIT Manager seeks to engage investment community and prospective investors through the following channels:
      1. Corporate website (
      2. Quarterly results announcement: Results presentation slides, press releases and financial results made available on SGX-ST and corporate website;
      3. Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) (if applicable);
      4. Publications and circulars, such as annual reports, and statements of major developments, or explanatory notes for AGMs/EGMs will be available on the corporate website;
      5. Media and analyst briefings; and
      6. Other individual or group meetings, conferences local/overseas, conference calls, roadshows, and emails.
    2. Corporate website
      1. The REIT Manager maintains a corporate website to facilitate easy and all-day access to information about the REIT for the investment community and public.
      2. Information relating to REIT's announcements, annual report, financial results, press releases, developments and other information are made available on the website.
    3. Quarterly results announcement
      1. The REIT Manager release the REIT's quarterly results performance (containing results presentation slides, press releases and financial results) to SGX-ST, and the corporate website.
    4. Unitholders Meetings
      1. All unitholders are encouraged to attend the general meetings, and to participate in discussions relevant to the meetings. Unitholders who are unable to attend and vote at the AGM can appoint proxies to attend, speak, and vote on their behalf. The proxy forms are to be submitted 48 hours before the AGM.
      2. Unitholders will receive the REIT's Annual report in CD format and proxy form prior to the AGM. Hardcopies of the annual report are available upon request from Unitholders.
      3. As and when an EGM is to be held, unitholders will be sent a copy of a circular with details of the items to be proposed for unitholder's consideration and approval.
      4. Notice of AGM and EGM setting out items to be proposed at the general meeting will also be announced through SGX-ST and the corporate website.
      5. An announcement on the results of resolutions during the general meetings will be released on SGX-ST and the corporate website.

  4. Contact
    1. Unitholders, and the investment community can contact BHG Retail REIT's investor relations team at +65 6805 8283, or by emailing to